Hello!I’m Kay 👋

Thereare several nicks I’ve been used in Online.

  • One, ‘Where is the Carmen in San Diego’, right that ‘Carmen Sandiego’, has been used for quit a long time from the beginning of my computer-life.
  • Two, ‘Kay Suparx’ actually is my real English name, simeply called ‘Kay’.
  • Three, A.K.A ‘Onitonitonito’ comes from my 📧 email address, which has been used for quit long time was simply decided when I signed up GitHub account. so GitHub call-name.
  • Ohters, a many.

MyGadgets, I stick to

  1. Lenovo [ThinkPad] Notebook PC, actually It was from an LG-IBM ThinkPad.
  2. Logitech Mouse G-Series. … [G700s], now [G903]
  3. Thin, short-stroke key-board, … [K801], now, [mx key],
  • acctually ThinkPad has similar touches and rebounce, which were obviously splitted into like-group and dislike-group. come to think of it, most key-boards are like that, nothing particular.

Andwhat else?


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