Spark the Rabbit

Spark the Rabbit, my PERSONA!

While I’ve been growing up, I was used to make my personas several times. it features my character, looks and my feelings sometime, and many more. drawing is one of my killing time hobby, i like doodle something in my spares.

recently, some kind of images comes in my mind. a rabbit that expressed my image instead.

paint version you rock! Feel the power!

  • A Super sonic rabbit, Not mean fast! but image likes super sonic!
  • A highvoltage lightenings on the shoulder shows I’m super sonic!
  • Picky & cranky tempered, easily get annoyed insread of me.
  • making a lot of mistakes in life. but he thinks he’s doing great!

his name is ‘Spark’, the name Spark, kind of light when the electric wire touches the ground wire, they make kind of light. spark

Since this is the beginning, the featues a quite lough though. but I’ll give it advance and I’ll enjoy the changes and establishing concept. because this is mine, myself and my persona.

although, it looks like much more poor, please grant it and enjoy.

The Family

the grounp of family, also comes is my concept, there are several, But all of those are me. another features of me, yes. lazy. LOL the civilazation would roll ahead because of lazyness, want to be comfort. so the laziness is the most beautiful things in the world. it makes computer, iphone, and many more.

so, just do it? no, just be lazy!

Be elaborate for the laziness.
filling like a Tiger!


Thankyou You rock …. Thumnail size

Doodles in Lifetime!

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